Brauerei Schnupp


More information on Altdrossenfeld can be found at (German) 

Photo: Mat Wilson

Hauptstrasse 8
Altdrossenfeld 95512
Stopped brewing in 2013

 09203 9920

Now serves beer from Friedel, Zentbechhofen.

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Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2003-05-09 04:52:07

 The pale beers are neutral and clean, perhaps a little under-hopped. The dark lager has more of a character that some beer-friends like and some not. Nice brewery building with a stork nest on the chimney.

Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2009-11-02 02:36:32

 Visited yesterday. Two beers on tap: Helles and Zwickel dunkel. Both quite boring, but not really bad. The Helles too less aromatic, the dark Zwickel much too malty. On a 5 to 1 scale a 3 minus.

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