

More information on Schrozberg-Spielbach can be found at (German) 

Photo by Jason Watts

Gold-Ochsenbrauerei A Jürgen Wening Top 10 Pick

Spielbach 1
Schrozberg-Spielbach 74575
Small Brewery (less than 1000 hl/year)

 07939 461

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Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2009-01-12 04:03:41

 This tiny brewery in the small village of Spielbach is a real gem! It's in a very rural sourroundings on the "Hohenloher Ebene" where no hops is grown but loads of grain. It seems, time has stopped there somewhen in the 1920s and nothing has changed since. Absolutely astonishing. Only one beer is produced, apart from the Bock in Winter, called "Spezial Hell". It's a Vollbier with 5% alc. and only hints of hops. It's very malt pronounced, very old fashioned and excellent. The brewery still uses a very old bottle design. It's just about 15 kms west of Rothenburg o. d. Tauber. Opening hours: daily from 6 pm, weekend earlier. No closing day.

Comment from Charles Whelan on 2013-05-11 09:37:25

 From 1996 to 2002 I visited Crailsheim Germany and one of my first biers was Spielbacher Special Hell. A very excellent bier and I miss the tastse. I wish I could import it back to the United States here in Louisville, Kentucky. I love the farm, barn, pub inside and the family that waited on me.

Comment from Nick B (formerly in Erlangen) on 2020-06-02 14:03:16

 What -- no comments here since 2013?!?

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