Brauerei Leitner


More information on Schwabach can be found at (German) 

Brauerei Leitner

Nürnberger Strasse 19
Schwabach 91126
Stopped brewing in 2010

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Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2007-04-18 01:50:17

 Sometimes you get the unexpected! When searching for Brauerei Leitner, we expected a modern, functional, big building that produces a common urban beer. What we found was a small, charming, old-fashioned brickbuilt brewery of the industrial revolution era. Despite the *aaaargh* awful design of their lager beer bottles all the beers we tried resembled that old time. We discovered the taste of sackcloth, steam, grain, old wooden stairs and old dusty walls in all of them. The beers taste slightly metallic with the distinctive strong aftertaste of malted barley. The lager: A fine, old fashioned beer, not too hoppy and surprisingly aromatic. Why does the brewery fill that beautiful beer in bottles with such terribly designed labels??? The dark beer or "Prinz Albrecht Trunk": Basically similar, but with a pronounced roasted malt nose! Beautiful and not sweet. Also very old fashioned. The Pilsener: Same basis, but indeed very hoppy. We didn't have the opportunity to try the Märzen and the Zwickel, but we will try them soon, as we definetely come back!!! By the way, Leitner also brews at least two beers as a Lohnbrauerei for the nearby but unfortunately closed Brauerei Weller.

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