Franconian Beer Message Board

Lager Categories
Posted by Barry on 2016-09-25 10:03:20
Wow, that took a lot of work, I'm sure!  But is it so helpful?  Where would a Vollbier or Sauer's Braunbier fit in (just 2 examples of the top of my head)?  Vollbier would be a dark lager, I suppose but some of them are not so dark from my vague memory.  And what does the colour really tell you about a beer, apart from its colour?

Strikes me that there are as many types of beer in all countries as there are brewers and any attempt to shoehorn them into categories is just a guessing game.  Anyway, this whole Ratebeer business is just a farce (IMHO!) - I rather just drink the stuff!
     Lager Categories by Jürgen Wening on  2016-09-26 00:28:58
       Lager Categories by Nick B. on  2016-09-26 00:33:54
     Lager Categories by Nick B. on  2016-09-26 01:26:34