Franconian Beer Message Board

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Posted by Gunnar H on 2016-09-29 07:08:46
The 1 liter measure of beer is literally unknown outside of Bavaria, hence the Bavarian pronunciation should decide the spelling. Die Mass has a short a, should be written so. 
The Duden reflects the High German pronunciation with a long ah, so Das Maß, in words like Metermaß.
The rule in Germany since 1996 is simple: unvoiced s after a short vowel: ss; after a long vowel including diphthongs: ß.
The rule then continues to say that if your writing tool does not offer the ß character, you can use ss even after a long vowel or diphthong. The corresponding capital letter is always SS: groß/GROSS. In Switzerland and Liechtenstein, ss is used in all cases, increasingly so also in Austria.
My suggestion is: don't bother with ß, just press the s key twice.
I switch to a German keyboard when writing longer texts in German, but since Y and Z have swapped places, this makes it a bit awkward for the occasional typer.
                               Die Mass vs Das Maß by Uncle Jimbo on  2016-09-29 12:29:20
                                 Die Mass vs Das Maß by Gunnar H on  2016-09-29 12:59:02
                                   Die Mass vs Das Maß by Gunnar H on  2016-09-29 13:02:55
                                     Die Mass vs Das Maß by Uncle Jimbo on  2016-09-29 23:47:25
                                       Die Mass vs Das Maß by Nick B. on  2016-09-30 00:34:13
                                         Die Mass vs Das Maß by Gunnar H on  2016-09-30 02:39:23
                                         Die Mass vs Das Maß by Uncle Jimbo on  2016-09-30 03:15:35
                                           Die Mass vs Das Maß by Jürgen Wening on  2016-09-30 03:26:57
                                             Die Mass vs Das Maß by Nick B. on  2016-10-01 01:27:01