Franconian Beer Message Board

BJCP on British Beer & IPA (long copy & paste)
Posted by Barry on 2016-09-29 06:14:07
Gosh, I wish that you hadn't started this!  I've even got interested enough to download the complete Style Guide - must be going off my head.  Next thing, I'll be smelling beer not tasting it.  Come back Jeff, all is forgiven.

Re the flavour of IPA  (Malt flavor should be medium-low to medium, and be
somewhat bready)

What they describe as bready is what I think of as yeasty (I think) and is what attracted me to Mahrs U when I first drank it, also the opaque quality, with lots of sediment.  It just reminded me of how I remember IPA (from the various Burton breweries, both draught and bottled) from my youth (many moons ago, sadly).  But I don't remember it being especially hoppy in the way that they describe but maybe a kind of slightly bitter, grassy taste, again, a bit U-ish.  But, important to note, not the last U I tasted a couple of years ago from the tank, which was as clear as a bell and not at all yeasty.