Franconian Beer Message Board

Bayerischer Anstich, Keg, Tank
Posted by Nick B. on 2016-09-16 01:18:39
When I took a couple of English microbrewers around to a few places to help them research "Kellerbier" last weekend, they told me they found Roppelt, Müller (Reundorf Schmausenkeller), and Griess to be the highlights. They made it to quite a few other places as well, but I wasn't along there. These three serve from tank, gravity barrel, and tank, respectively. (Tank being 1000 litre key-keg variety, naturally carbonated.)

I then wanted to introduce them to characterful Vollbier from "the fränkische Schweiz", so I took them to Hetzelsdorf on Sunday. Normally, I get Hetzelsdorfer Vollbier on keg at cafés here in Erlangen, so I was excited to have it from Bauchfass, bayerisch Anstich. But no, as we arrived and ordered our beer, the keg blew and had to be changed. I didn't ask if keg dispense has completely replaced gravity dispense. It was still nice as ever, less gassy than the places in Erlangen that serve it too gassy, but still, a huge disappointment for me.

They liked it though.

Then down the hill to Meister for nearly black Vollbier. Whoops--Betriebsurlaub. But they did have a fridge with bottles on the honour system, a sign which read "bottles 1€ or whatever you find it worth".

I wonder how many Brauereigaststätten are serving from a big tank, rather than keg? Rittmayer in Aisch, Roppelt in Stiebarlimbach, Griess...who else? I shall strive to enquire about this more.