Franconian Beer Message Board

Hallerndorfer biertages,anyone up for it?
Posted by Nick B. on 2016-09-03 01:06:19
I actually drove through Hallerndorf on the way to ...wait for it... Stiebarlimbach yesterday, 16.00. Saw signs for parking, but no sign of the fest. Guess it's up the hill or summat.

How was it, and do they "just" have the breweries' normal beers on offer? Might go today if you say it's great. But then I would cycle, not drive.

Was my third visit to Roppelt's this season yesterday. NONE of the locals I know were there, I suppose either scared off by the Biertage or drawn to it, thought I suspect the former more likely knowing them. Beer was better than last time. 2.10€ a Seidla though!