Franconian Beer Message Board

And Another One
Posted by Gordon on 2016-08-11 06:00:46
I don't want to be known as the beer fest guy (well, I guess it could be worse), but the Aischgründer Bierstrasse group are having a fest tomorrow and Saturday at the Bad Windsheimer Marktplatz.  The time is probably not the best for public transportation; 1800 on Friday and 1700 on Saturday.  They say there will be 25 different beers from 7 breweries:  Windsheimer, Döbler, Hofmann, Kohlenmühle, Loscher, Prechtel, and Zwanzger.
   And Another One by Mark Andersen on  2016-08-11 10:58:04
   And Another One by Jason  on  2016-08-11 14:42:34
   And Another One by Nick B. on  2016-08-15 04:36:27
     And Another One by Gordon on  2016-08-15 08:43:21
       And Another One by Nick B. on  2016-08-16 03:11:23
         And Another One by Jason  on  2016-08-16 03:50:36