Franconian Beer Message Board

Öchsnerbräu in London
Posted by Nick B. on 2016-08-09 01:12:08
According to the photo Fred tweeted yesterday, a pint of the 4% sets you back four bob, the 5.1% Schwarzbier four pound eighty. Why Barnsley Bitter is 3.40 and the other two are 3.60 though...? Those aren't bad prices at all though, are they? Not as affordable as Sam Smith's, but...

       Öchsnerbräu in London by Jason  on  2016-08-10 14:34:00
       Öchsnerbräu in London by Andy H on  2016-08-11 12:43:10
         GBBF & Pubs in London by Nick B. on  2016-08-15 05:01:55
           GBBF & Pubs in London by barry on  2016-08-15 06:08:53
       Öchsnerbräu in London by DonS on  2016-08-15 14:48:14
         Öchsnerbräu in London by Nick B. on  2016-08-16 01:26:00
             GBBF & Pubs in London by Nick B. on  2016-08-16 02:40:13
               GBBF & Pubs in London by Nick B. on  2016-08-16 03:15:19