Franconian Beer Message Board

Message for John
Posted by Jason on 2016-07-04 09:54:51
Sure. I'll meet you on the train. I'll find you. I have a 7 zone vgn pass so will buy a 3 zone extension which is cheaper than any group tickets. I presume you're familiar with the ticket options? Just in case, the best option is a vgn tages ticket plus which is €18 and a bit for the two of you. Again, I'm sure you're more than capable, but if you wish I can meet you by the ticket machines at 2pm. Let me know, otherwise see you on the train.
         Message for John  by JohnRatcliffe on  2016-07-05 00:52:51
           Message for John  by Jason  on  2016-07-05 01:40:00