Franconian Beer Message Board

Birthday Card
Posted by barry on 2016-05-17 14:02:58
Oh pity.  

So, my sister and brother-in-laws sent me a birthday card.  Forgetting the graphics, the story goes like this:

A Gorilla walks into a bar and orders a pint of bitter.  He asks the barman how much he owes and the barman says £6.50!  Gorilla looks surprised and the barman says:

'We don't get many gorillas in here' -

To which the gorilla replies:

'I'm not surprised at those prices!'

It would have been funner to have shown the card but it's a pretty slack time on the Forum.

Not sure what it says about my in-laws opinion of your's truly.
       Birthday Card by Nick B. on  2016-05-18 01:56:45