Franconian Beer Message Board

OT: Espresso Stout
Posted by Nick B. on 2016-03-16 01:14:09
Somewhere way down below, I mentioned that my first ever espresso stout was from "Pyramid or some other Seattle brewery" in the early 90's. Through the sad occasion of hearing of the death of one of the founders of Pyramid, George Hancock, I have been reminded that it was Hart Brewing, dating from 1984, which launched a line of beers called "Pyramid" and then later changed its name to Pyramid Brewing.

Hart Espresso Stout is what it was. And it turns out, it really did NOT have any coffee in it, just enough roasted (or whatever) malt to make it so coffee like. And at 5.6%, it was a decently strong beer for such a character. So there's that mystery settled.

I experienced Pyramid beers while visiting Seattle before I'd ever had any Oregon beer. Pyramid and Redhook. Thomas Kemper was another Washington brewery that got bought by Pyramid, they specialised in lagers.

I see that Pyramid, who went on to buy up Portland Brewing (Oregon) in 2004, is now owned by a Costa Rican conglomerate.
   OT: Espresso Stout by Andy H on  2016-03-19 14:48:36