Franconian Beer Message Board

Arrival in Bamberg
Posted by barry on 2016-01-28 08:12:03
Well done, Jason, good to hear that you've landed safely - and not letting the grass grow under your feet!  No mention of your 'real' (well, nearest) local, Faessla.  Great collection of visits, makes me, and probably all other non-residents extremely jealous!  Great to hear that Neder is living up to form and that Mahrs is regaining some degree of sanity.

Seriously, enjoy yourself and we'll meet in April when we're staying in Buttenheim (next on your list) and Ebensfeld.

Next up for us is 6 days in Llandudno, starting on Saturday.  Hope to sample some good ale and reccy some possible landing places for Familie Schneider (Taylor).
     Arrival in Bamberg by Nick B. on  2016-01-29 04:08:31
       Arrival in Bamberg by barry on  2016-01-29 08:19:11
     Arrival in Bamberg by Jason on  2016-01-30 01:26:06
         Arrival in Bamberg by Nick B. on  2016-01-30 01:44:03