Franconian Beer Message Board

Plans for Spring 2013
Posted by DonS on 2012-12-20 05:46:35
We have a family event in the Rheinland on June 16. Could see coming a few weeks earlier than that... hmm. Must propose this to the missus. And there's more than one apartment to be had in the area - not only at Charly's and his sister's, but also at Fiedlschneider, among others. Feasible, perhaps.
     Plans for Spring 2013 by barry on  2012-12-20 09:24:06
       Plans for Spring 2013 by DonS on  2012-12-20 10:14:05
         Plans for Spring 2013 by Mark Andersen on  2012-12-20 10:39:16
           Plans for Spring 2013 by DonS on  2012-12-22 13:32:43