Franconian Beer Message Board

Breweries found at Sandkerwa.
Posted by Gerhard Schoolmann on 2012-08-24 03:24:56
Additional: Pub "Blaue Glocke", Sandstraße brewery Först in Drügendorf tapped with Bayerischer Anstich (on gravity). Maybe they will change to Griess Kellerbier, Geisfeld, or to Sonne, Bischberg This pub offers changing beers on gravity the whole year (weekends). H-Ausstellung from Gert Papke, Am Leinritt: - Krug Lager from Krug, Geisfeld - Büttner, Untergreuth both tapped with Bayerischer Anstich This is a stall/temporary pub open only during the Sandkerwa. On other days it is a semi-professional gallery. Gert Papke is a full-time architect.
     Breweries found at Sandkerwa. by Mat W on  2012-08-24 03:50:01
       Breweries found at Sandkerwa. by barry on  2012-08-24 03:57:54
         Breweries found at Sandkerwa. by Mat W on  2012-08-24 04:24:10
           Breweries found at Sandkerwa. by Uncle Jimbo on  2012-08-24 10:56:41
             Breweries found at Sandkerwa. by FredW on  2012-08-24 20:58:42
               Breweries found at Sandkerwa. by Mat W on  2012-08-25 02:34:15
                 Breweries found at Sandkerwa. by Nick B. on  2012-08-25 03:01:08
                   Breweries found at Sandkerwa. by Uncle Jimbo on  2012-08-25 10:39:33
                     Breweries found at Sandkerwa. by Mat W on  2012-08-29 03:35:35