Franconian Beer Message Board

OT: Driving
Posted by Mark Andersen on 2012-03-10 06:04:07
"Mike B. said: "Nick's observation: "You Americans and your car addictions."" Let's not forget that my comment was meant tongue-in-cheek, with the smiley and everything! " That's how I read it. You're right it's not a huge difference in time. Although I think the drive is actually a bit less than 2 1/4 hours. Also time spent picking up dropping off car is balanced a bit by time waiting for the train. Still the difference in time would be no more than 1 hour in any case. Based on Mike's post about how one can get fairly cheap ICE tickets I have to admit I'll seriously consider taking the train from Munich airport next time instead. Well that was fun ... it only took about 55 posts and a nice dust up to reach this conclusion. Ha Ha!!
                                             OT: Driving by Mike B. on  2012-03-11 03:05:00
                                             OT: High Speed RE Munich-Bamberg by Nick B. on  2012-03-11 04:57:29
                                               OT: Driving by TreinJan on  2012-03-11 06:14:51
                                               OT: High Speed RE Munich-Bamberg by TreinJan on  2012-03-11 06:17:39
                                                 OT: High Speed RE Munich-Bamberg by Nick B. on  2012-03-11 08:23:15
                                                   OT: High Speed RE Munich-Bamberg by Nick B. on  2012-03-11 08:34:13
                                                     OT: High Speed RE Munich-Bamberg by TreinJan on  2012-03-11 09:53:30
                                                       OT: High Speed RE Munich-Bamberg by TreinJan on  2012-03-11 09:56:41