

More information on Mitwitz can be found at (German) 

Neundorf 41
Mitwitz 96268
Large Brewery (more than 100,000 hl/year)

 0 92 66 / 7 21

Get off bus at Kronacher Strasse, Mitwitz. Brewery is about 2km north.

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Comment from Tom Perera on 2004-09-19 07:59:28

 Haven't been to the brewery But the bottled Pils is worth a try.

Comment from Timothy Holian on 2005-02-16 21:11:53

 Franken Bräu Kellergold has a moderately malty nose and a gently roasted malt sweetness, with subtle hop character balancing the maltiness toward the end. Overall a solid brew, but a little thin.

Comment from Timothy Holian on 2005-02-16 21:15:44

 Franken Bräu Pils has a decidedly malty bend, perhaps a bit much so for a Pils even from this region; hop character only becomes clearly evident toward the finish. Good medium golden color and full-bodied, suitable for style.

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