Brauerei Salch


More information on Hammelburg can be found at (German) 

Brauerei Salch

Rote Kreuzstrasse 6
Hammelburg 97762
Stopped brewing in 2003

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Other cities in the same district (Landkreis) as Hammelburg

Bad KissingenMottenMünnerstadt

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Comment from ron brooks on 2012-09-14 20:57:18

 My mother is from Hammelburg where they brew Salch bier. I grew up with Salch Bier since I spent plenty time in Deutschland around 14 years. My great grandfather was mayor of Hammelburg during the WWII. I have many relatives still in Hammelburg and will visit again. The Salch Bier is great and their Bock Wines superb!

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