Franconian Beer Message Board

Krapfen nicht Karpfen
Posted by Gerhard Schoolmann on 2012-11-09 02:02:47
You find Krapfen in all regions of Germany and also in other european states. They have often the name "Berliner" or "Berliner Pfannkuchen (pancake)". with hints of many names also outside of Germany A new trend are different fillings. Traditional with jam of strawberries or plums. In Franconia they use tradional jam of rose hipp. New are fillings as chococale, hazelnut cream, egg liqur etc. P.e. at the branches of the bakery "Der Beck" you find a great selection of different fillings. It is a saisonal product, from 11th November (carnival) until Ashwednesday. Regional You find the same dough n another form, called "Ausgezogene" with different names in other regions: