Franconian Beer Message Board

Meeting Mark
Posted by barry on 2012-10-30 06:52:52
Sounds like Finding Nemo! We were very pleased to meet Mark Andersen and Dorothy last night in our 'local' (well, an hour's drive away), the Roadside Tavern in Lisdoonvarna. It is always great to be able to put a name to a face and my personal acquaintance with members of this forum is growing, albeit a little slowly. As is evident from his contributions to the Forum, Mark is a keen and knowledgable fan of Franken beer and also beer from other places. They very kindly presented us with a couple of bottles from the Plockton Brewery, which we look forward to consuming. I'm also pleased to say that we were all very most pleasantly surprised by the quality of the Roadside's own beers and we managed to sample all their range: Red, Gold and Black. I particularly liked the Gold, which had a nice balance of hops and malt. Most importantly, although it was kegged, they have managed to get the balance right and the additional CO2 was barely evident. This is a great addition to the local beer scene - maybe I can persuade one of my locals to take their beer, but I doubt it. One subject for discussion was the idea of Forum get together in Franken. I know it's tricky, particularly for our transatlantic friends but we are going to make an effort for next Spring. Favoured time would probably be a week in mid-May. The idea would be get enough people to hire a mini-bus as this would enable us to visit some otherwise innaccesible breweries and avoid the cursed drink driving problem. I guess if we could get half-a-dozen visitors, plus a few locals that would be enough. So, you have about 6 months to sort out your holiday plans for next year - start saving now!
   Meeting Mark by Mark Andersen on  2012-10-30 14:45:12
     Meeting Mark by barry on  2012-10-31 04:54:46
   Meeting Mark by DonS on  2012-10-31 06:42:51
     Meeting Mark by barry on  2012-10-31 12:48:16