Franconian Beer Message Board

Bamberg -several places not open
Posted by Mike B. on 2012-09-27 07:17:00
OK, that's clearer now. The Beer Temple is called "an American" beer pub, but, in fact, it might be called a "new beer" pub. For example, thirty taps, only four of which have American beer. They carry a lot of European beers (like Brewdog, other British and some Scandinavian breweries). Bekeerde Suster looks like a standard Amsterdam pub in the front, but, you can see the brewery in the back. I would actually think that Bierfabriek is more what you mean since the customer part of the place is also very modern. And, as I recall, the brewery is in the front. I would say that 't Ij is both a brewpub and brewery since the vast majority of their business is in bottled beer (AFAIK). Or, you could say it was a brewery with a tasting room. It was sold about two years ago, btw. The new owners are carrying on the tradition.