Franconian Beer Message Board

Ambräusianum: any fans here?
Posted by TreinJan on 2012-07-13 07:39:58
Ambräusianum: most of the time the food is okay, but the beers .... Have not been there for some time now, before that I always had the tasting glasses, sometimes one out of three was drinkable. Have to try again sometime in the near future. Point is, the competition is very strong!
     Ambräusianum: any fans here? by barry on  2012-07-13 09:17:19
       Ambräusianum: any fans here? by Uncle Jimbo on  2012-07-13 10:15:06
         Ambräusianum: any fans here? by zoiglal on  2012-07-13 16:22:39
           Ambräusianum: any fans here? by barry on  2012-07-14 02:17:33
             Ambräusianum: any fans here? by Robbie Pickering on  2012-07-15 16:14:22
               Ambräusianum: any fans here? by TreinJan on  2012-07-16 01:35:39
               Ambräusianum: any fans here? by DonS on  2012-07-16 09:06:22
                 Ambräusianum: any fans here? by JohnRatclıffe on  2012-07-17 07:25:41