Franconian Beer Message Board

Mobile Internet surf
Posted by Mike B. on 2012-02-19 09:24:27
I try to download what I need before leaving home as much as possible. On my iPhone, I have a program called OpenMaps that lets me download any maps I need and let's me put pins on destinations with additional information. I've got a train schedule app that let's me store all train trips. Since the German bus app doesn't yet permit local storage, I download the schedules (pdfs) and transfer them to my iPhone. I have a Tchibo simcard, but, other than phone, very rarely need to use it. Often enough, my hotel has wifi and I can check email and text home, if necessary. OTOH, I don't write a blog, so Internet access on the road is not a high priority for me as long as all the practical information (maps, schedules, etc.) is available on my iPhone.