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Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2003-03-26 23:48:31
A quiet, beautiful spot full of atmosphere. The darkish beer is relativly light, clean and well-balanced. It is a very memorable brew, especially in this setting.
Comment from charles fogarty on 2003-06-18 15:44:10
The beer from the Klosterbrauerei in Kreuzberg is the best beer I've ever tasted.
Comment from 32 Hotel on 2003-07-10 15:10:35
5.0 Remember it well. Walked up the hill from Wildflicken the first time I had it. Marched across the ski slopes to the north enroute to Bamberg several times too. Horrido!
Comment from Larry Herrmann on 2003-08-12 17:46:11
A great day trip to this abbey (cloister/kloster). They raise St Bernards and brew this great beer. Very, very tasty. Have it with their schweineshaxen.
Comment from ken baggett on 2003-08-21 19:18:57
I have been to the Kloster many times over many years to drink the fine beer or pick-up a few kegs to take back to my friends. I was even given a Kreuzberg bottle label from the Brew Meister, a rarity in that they don't distribute their beer in bottles. A fine beer and my favorite.
Comment from Jim Mayors on 2004-01-28 15:33:09
It has been just over 21 years since I last drank a beer at Klosterbrauerei while stationed near there with the 11th ACR, and it is absolutely the best beer I have ever had. Certainly worth the effort to get there. Trust me, only drink a half liter (0,5L) if your driving; things get a little foggy after a whole liter (1,0L) ;-)
Comment from wes on 2004-06-04 13:49:58
my dad told me about the monastery from when he was stationed at wildflecken in the 70's and said the beer was great. indeed the beer was some of the best i've ever had. i picked up a 5 liter bottle to take back to my house and share with the nieghbors. i'm planning another trip back this month
Comment from Rob Stannard on 2004-10-10 10:25:57
Comment from Rob Stannard on 2004-10-10 10:25:57
Was stationed wildflecken 22 years ago by far the best beer in the world ! Then walk down the hill to eat at margarets. Would love to find out how i could get a keg to bring back to the states.
Comment from Jim & Wendy Stebbins on 2004-11-01 12:43:43
Do not miss this experience. Worth the drive, no matter where you're coming from. The huge monastery was packed full of people in many different rooms, with the monks in their robes,mingling with everyone,drinking their bier & smoking cigars.Very lively,fun place.Delicious food & bier.You may purchase bier there or bring your own 1, 2 or 5 liter bottle to have filled.In the midst of all this,a pause for a 20 min. mass was held.Afterwards,the party continued.Gorgeous view from the mtn.top.
Comment from jonny on 2004-11-18 18:14:57
I was at the Klosterbrauerei /Kreuzberg back in 1981, snow covered the grounds and the dogs where resting. What I remember most besides the wonderful brew, was that the signs written on the walls in the drinking rooms all read about being quiet and praying, whilst everyone sang and shouted over one another. Do they still serve brew in the one liter clay steins ? When I was there the monks mainly made the brew, and snapps. I don't know if they do that anymore, seems pretty updated by what I've seen on the website. Anyone know how toget or where to get some of that excellent brew here in the states ? Thanks for reading...
Comment from Matt on 2005-01-02 18:12:06
I was stationed in Wurzburg between 1993-1996 and former members of the 11ACR talked it up for two years before I was able to make the trip. This was far and away the best bear I have ever tasted. When I go back to Germany I will find a reason to drag my wife there.
Comment from Charles Kimmel on 2005-03-30 12:21:42
I was stationed in Germany from 1983 to 1994. My absolute best memories of Germany other than the people, was and still is the beer from Kreuzberg Klosterbrauerei. I traveled back there in 2002 at which time I brought back two 5 litre Bottles. This bier is truely for the Gods. I have never tasted a better beer, and believe me, I have tried many. I remeber the taste, but cannot describe it with accuracy. All as I can say, I would very much love to find a way to get it to me in the U.S. At my age, I don't know when and if I will ever be able to travel back there again, but some day, I will have more of that bier. If anyone knows how to get some to the U.S. PLEASE, PLEASE let me know, I would be for ever in your debt.
Comment from len {bama} gregory on 2005-08-06 16:36:37
Comment from Giddy Green on 2005-08-11 09:55:35
I named my self giddy green, because thats exactly how you feel after 1 Klosterbier. That bier was the best bier I ever had. If someone offered me sex or some Klosterbier sorry lady, maybe next time rare to hear a guy say that but hat is how good that bier is.
Comment from LARRY KEMP on 2005-08-23 18:42:38
Comment from Brian Aites on 2005-12-30 22:34:26
This is the Greatest Beer ever made. I was stationed in Buedingen Germany 1st AD for 3 years before I had Kreuzberg and I only wish I had found it earlier. I still have 1 five liter and 3 two liter jugs, And would sure like to get them refilled(without going to Germany)if its possible. If you get the chance check it out and keep the jug they make a great conversation piece.
Comment from Richard Witt on 2006-01-16 13:01:27
I was stationed at Wildflecken. I was told by some guys that were stationed with me that I needed to go to the Kreuzberg and try their beer. So me and my friend decided to walk to the monestary. Once we got there it was definitely time for a beer, and it was the BEST beer that I have ever had. This place will always be one of my favorite place to visit. The monestary is such a beautiful place to see.
Comment from Charline on 2006-01-24 13:30:10
I was stationed on Wasserkuppe for Reforger in the winter of 1978. On one of the few offsite trips we took, we went as a group to the Kreuzberg Klosterbrauerei and had an absolutely wonderful time. The beer was great, but the atmosphere was even better. The monks were cheerful and pleasant and the warm beer hall was a pleasant contrast to the cold outside. I still have the gray clay stein in my kitchen cabinet as a reminder of that wonderful afternoon.
Comment from Brian on 2006-02-21 09:21:49
When I was stationed in Schweinfurt from 95-98, I made many a trip on my motorcycle, with a big 5L container in my backpack to fill with the best tasting beer in the world! I have made a couple of trips back to Germany since then, and both times a trip to have this legendary brew was my top priority!
Comment from Linda Lewis on 2006-03-10 19:50:56
Kreuzberg Monastery beer is THE best in the world, or at least the best I've ever tasted. I'm a Miller Lite fan in the U.S., but if I ever get back to Germany, a trip to drink this beer again would definitely be on the agenda. We were there from 82-84, with the 3-11 Cav., in Bad Hersfeld/Fulda, and took many trips with the Recreation Department to this spot.
Comment from Jon B. on 2006-04-03 09:32:29
I was with the 11ACR in the 70s (S3) and we went here once. Just a great place. The three of us each had three litre mugs (I still have the mug at home) - it was a long and tough drive home. But what a beautiful place.
Comment from Robin Buck on 2006-04-10 21:07:37
I was stationed in Fulda back in the 90's with the 11thACR and a girl I was dating took me and a buddy there one winter night, when we got there I was rather surprised to be at a monastery. She took us in and got us each a liter, wich we managed to drink before her and her friend finished their coffee. So the girls decided to get us a second liter each. If I had thought the stairs were tretcherous and icy on the way in they were 10 times as worse on the way out cause man that beer sneaks up on you. Wish I could get it here in the states
Comment from Dana on 2006-04-29 21:39:20
I was stationed with the 108th MI BN in Wildflecken 1983. Every weekend we weren't in the field, we were at the Monestary. It was/is the best beer ever. The environment was exactly what I needed to over come the Wildflecken environment. I hope to take my husband there someday... That beer alone, would be worth the trip.
Comment from Dick Bartlett on 2006-07-14 14:40:34
Comment from Dick Bartlett on 2006-07-14 14:41:16
I was stationed in West Berlin with the Berlin Brigade (6th Infantry). On our twice yearly trips to Wildflecken we always visited Kloster Kreuzberg and had the best beer I have ever had. That was back in 1965 - 1967 and I still remember how good it was (and I'm sure still is). Someday I will get back for some more.
Comment from Brian Pinner on 2006-07-25 10:37:24
Kruezburg beer is the best i ever had. I plan on another trip there very soon.
Comment from george brandon on 2006-08-22 02:52:57
was stationed on wasserkuppe from 1976 to end of 1978.i went over there and drank beer many times..i rememeber one mug of that beer was ALL IT TOOK. those were great times and great folks up ther on wasserkkuppe.
Comment from Gordon Green on 2006-09-22 15:21:13
In 1977, and as a young infantry soldier stationed at Wildflecken, I hiked across a large pasture and then uphill to the monastery. Excellent beer and coldplatz. In the pasture in a stand of small tress/bushes, I found a small stone marker with a "KP" on it. I was told it was a Kingdom of Prussia boundary marker. Happy OktoberFest, All!
Comment from Doug Latimer on 2006-10-22 23:25:38
An outstanding beer. I was stationed at Schweinfurt from 94 - 97 (1/26 Inf.)and a girl took me there for a first date. Was the greatest location that i've ever had a date at. I still have the liter mug from there and long for the time that i'll be able to go there again for another taste.
Comment from Mike K. on 2006-10-26 12:41:05
Lived in Kutzburg near Schweinfurt from 94-97 and always loved the Kloster. Went back this past year and it hasn't changed - by far the best beer and brats around and the walk up to the hilltop will give you an artilleryman's view that you wish you had in Graf.
Comment from SFC BILLY MALONEY on 2007-03-25 05:03:09
Listen up guys. For thoses who want the DARK beer I have no problem sending you some. You pay for the beer and deposits and the shipping and I'll shoot you over some. I love the Monk Ber and I think thats it's the finest in Germany!!!! Drop a line if you want to talk about the grandest beer of them all
Comment from charlie on 2007-04-19 13:08:39
I visited this bewery many times from 77-79 when I was living in germany. First time when stationed with 144th ord battalion in wildflecken. We would hike over from the base.. I still recall this as some of the best beer and great atmosphere I have ever experienced, I hope to spend a few months in germany again soon and this will definately be a stop for me!!!
Comment from Linda Merdinger on 2007-06-22 12:55:50
Stationed in Wildflicken in 1982 and lived in Oberbach, went to this brewery and my taste buds for beer hasn't been the same. This was by far the best beer I've ever had and the atmosphere was great, lots of nice people sitting around and drinking some good beer. The taxi ride was unforgettable too...never driven that fast in my life. Great memories.
Comment from Jim Weger on 2007-07-11 16:51:04
I was stationed in HHT 1/11th ACR from August 1973 thru January of 1976. A friend was in Air Troop as a helo crewman and told us about a monestary that he had seen from the air, and that had the best beer in the world. Several of us piled into my VW and went in search of the monestary. It took awhile because we really didn't know where it was. It wasn't until we had seen several car lights on a hill side road. That is how we found the monestary. We went back a couple of times and enjoyed ourselves each time.
Comment from Austin Kennedy on 2007-07-31 16:38:00
I was stationed in Berlin Germany with HHC 5/502nd Infantry from 1985-1989. We made two trips a year to Wildflecken. Each and every trip included at least one visit to the monastary. The beer was amazing! Surrounded by the locals in the Gasthaus that adjoins the monastary, enjoying what I still feel to this day was the best beer I've ever tasted is a memory that is still vivid to me. If anyone knows how I can get some of it shipped to me here in the US please let me know!
Comment from stanley wilson on 2007-10-21 08:02:26
i was stationed in the berlin brigade from 88-92 and remember vividly about our trips to the monastery when we trained in wildflecken.to this day i have searched high and low for beers that are comparable to this one and i have to honestly say the monastery beer still remains to be beaten.if anybody knows how i could get this precious beer here in the states please send me a line. it would be greatly appreciated
Comment from karen fox on 2007-11-15 04:30:32
i will be in bavaria 21-28 december .any good ideas how to get to klosterbrauerei kreuzberg from bamberg ?it looks really good and i wont have more than 1 or 2 spare days due to creating my own beer festival around the bamberg//nurnberg area.
Comment from jesse weiss on 2008-05-29 12:38:17
My hubby and I were in Schweinfurt for 3 years and went to Kreuzburg all the time, the food was fantastic and the bier is the best I have ever had. I wish to return and enjoy the culture, scenery and of course, the bier. Fantastisch!!!!!!!!
Comment from Jay Smith on 2008-06-06 12:18:52
I was station in Fulda from 78-81 and visited Kruezberg many many times.Used to buy the kegs,buy 50 kiolo's of beef ribs as the German meat packing plant usually threw them away.50 kilo's for 40 marks or so back then would have a btry party and everyone had a hell of a time.I was station in an ADA unit in Fulda also know as Hawk missle system.If anyone can ship Kruezberg beer to me let me know.If any of you guys an c1/1 ada drop me line exsecially if you were there from 1978-1981.I was 24e,so any 24g,24c,16d,well hell anyone there if you ready this drop old jd a line.I would love to go back with some of my old drinking buddies.Jay Smith remember.972-442-0643
Comment from Andrew Clarke on 2008-07-03 14:51:11
Was here with 16 friends on 21st June, 2008. Wonderful setting and great beer,certainly among the best we had on our tour. However there are a couple of drawbacks; firstly it is a hell of a bus journey from Bamberg and secondly the system of having to pay a €3 deposit every time you Q up for a beer. The q's were long and it is not ideal if you want to get stuck in. Well worth the trip despite this The view from the top of the hill above the monastery is stunning.
Comment from Jerry Hammant, Las Vegas, Nevada on 2008-08-01 08:14:21
I was stationed at Fulda with the 14th Arm Cav Reg from 1967-1969. Our squad members went to this Monestary on several occasions. I remember one time, that I had consummed four liters of beer there and did not remember after we had left, that I had signed up for the "Rhine River" cruise the following week. Four liters of course is almost or more than a gallon of beer. It was the best beer ever. We use to socialize with the German National Army troops while sitting on the benches at the tables enjoying the brews. I recall that the nuns there also made the cheese to compliment the beer that the monks brewed.
Comment from Adam Stein on 2008-10-17 11:37:52
I was stationed in Wildflecken from1987 to 1990, just down the hill from the Kreuzberg. We used to go there often for the beer and food. I just tour Europe with my wife and brought here to the Keuzberg. We stayed at the Kloster for 40 Euros (Cheap) it was very clean and accommodating great big breakfast too. The beer was even better then I remembered. The night we arrived we both drank 2 liters. I will return to the Kreuzberg, I promise myself this. Their Beer is a gift from the Beer Gods! If you are in Germany traveling around Bad Bruckenau off A7….. Make sure that you stop at the Kloster Kreuzberg. I promise you will have the best beer of your life.
Comment from Carl Hudson on 2008-11-23 23:07:14
I was stationed Fulda 1/11 ACR A troop 88-89 walked up the hill to the monastery. That was the best beer I ever had and the best beer I will ever have. Need info on how to get some sent to the states.
Comment from Sam Letellier HHB 1-1 HAWK CW REPA on 2009-01-10 11:34:51
When I was there, 1978 - 1980, we would take the FNG's on a day trip, once a year in the spring. Hike it down WTA from the north gate. There were lots of trails in and out of there. No fence around most of it. One path was a straight shot to the base of the monastary. We would sternly impress upon the newbies, that the beer was kick-a-poo brew, and that 5 liters was huge !! They wouldn't believe us. I used to tell them, "...after 1L, you feel pretty good. After the 2L, your speaking fluent german, after the 3L, your rocking and rolling with the umpah beat, and everyone's family. Unfortunately after the 4L things can get sinister, and all it takes is something little to set someone off. If you can stay out of trouble long enough to drink a 5L.... well that one will put your d!*K in the dirt..." They wouldn't believe me. So after all the fun and about 5L later, it's time to head back..so straight down the mountain we would go...first walking...then jogging,,,,then faster till we were running at an outright dash...and then...oops....CRASH !!!! Yup, just like I told em. BEST BEER EVER IN THE WHOLE WORLD.
Comment from Frederick Melott on 2009-02-05 22:28:59
I was stationed in Schweinfurt from 2001 until 2007. I think its the best beer in the world. I see everyone asking about how to get it in America but I guess no one knows. I brought back a bunch of it and was worried about customs. I NEED SOME if anyone knows how to get this AMAZING stuff please let me know!! Germany was awesome! I married a German from Kronach and now live in Carolina. I want to go back to Germany but she does not! Maybe if I had some of this amazing Beer I could get her to go back!
Comment from Ulysses Keller on 2009-02-14 17:46:20
I was Soldier of the year in 1988 A-troop 11acr. Best days of my life!
Comment from Ulysses Keller on 2009-02-14 17:46:20
I was Soldier of the year in 1988 A-troop 11acr. Best days of my life!
Comment from Todd Boudreau on 2009-02-28 09:52:13
I was Stationed in Fulda From 1987 to 1990 I want there a few times. It is one of the best beers I have ever had
Comment from Shawn Butler on 2009-03-01 15:43:06
I agree! This is my favorite beer ever. Without question the smoothest and best bodied beer around. Dark but no bite or crappy aftertaste. I'd like to know how to purchase this beer and have it shipped to the US. Anyone ever achieved this? Zafdravsfutyia Druggoi v Bischofsheim!
Comment from fred on 2009-03-09 12:31:49
Its only americans commenting on this! To the SFC who said he would ship it..HOOK ME UP MAN!! I was a Sergeant in 1-18 Infantry..The best/hardiest days of my life..I wish I could go back but im happy that Im not..SEND ME THIS BEER And someone tell the Germans to try this Beer its amazing!! frederick.melott(AT)hotmail.com
Comment from Chelsea on 2009-04-17 11:52:56
I'm going on a beer hunt...
Comment from Ellis on 2009-04-17 11:53:49
My boyfriend absolutely fell in love with this beer when he was over there and i love to get him some for his birthday. If anyone is there I would pay you to buy some and ship it. Let me know...
Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2009-05-22 08:34:11
"So that's the famous Kreuzberg..." we thought after paying €1,50 for the car park and heading towards the monastery with an estimated 3 millions of other visitors. It's a crowded place, fitted for mass consumption of beer and food. The beer was average; more than 50% of the bamberg area breweries produce much better beers. We decided not to stay overnight and went to a very quiet small brewery in the Rhön, Waltershausen. Maybe we went up there the wrong day? I don't think so. There were 4 different places to buy beer, so the monastery is used to sell these masses of liquid.
Comment from walter p mazuchowski jr on 2009-05-23 14:13:26
was stationed an fulda 76-79 in st air 11th acr a huey crew chief. playboy had rated it the best beer in the world in 1969 and it is the best i tasted in my life , was just back in germany last summer , though i did not make it back to kreuzberg did find places that sold it on tap(could not buy it this way 3o years ago) and my mind has not changed. felt like i was back home when i took first sip. started at 10:15 am at a little guest house outside bad kissengen (near bad bocklet) and ended up drinking about 15 1/2 liters by 430pm. never did over 5 1/2 of the big ones when i was there. if you go there and don't like this beer you probably like millers
Comment from Erick Stebbings on 2009-05-28 18:53:46
In Apr of 1991, I was recalled back into duty in the U.S. Army for Desert Storm, and spent one month on a training post near Kreuzberg, without the ability to leave post and tour the countryside. So, once the War ended and it was time to leave Germany, my unit commander was generous enough to take about 40-60 GI's to the Klosterbaruerei. The minute the brew touched my lips, I fell in love. It was like falling in love all over again, but instead of 5'10" blonde beauty, it was a tall litre of brew. I and other GI's drank as much as we could in the 2-3 hours we were there, and felt fantastic when we left. Great brew, great friendly locals, and fantastic scenery. Hopefully, before I pass, I will someday have a chance to visit again.
Comment from Jeremy on 2009-06-05 13:53:41
When I got to Germany in 1993 this was the first place my platoon sergeant took me and wow, everyone that came to see me was taken there for the beer. I am an avid homebrewer and could never get the same flavor profile. I planned unit trips (with a bus) up there and we had great fun, many fond memories and I hope to go back! JT
Comment from M Graham on 2009-06-07 21:31:51
Stationed in nearby Fulda for 3 years, 87 90, This is the best beer in the world, they do not export this beer though, pity. I made it up the hill 3x, finest food on the planet. Planning a trip next Christmas to visit my daughter.
Comment from Linda Merdinger on 2009-06-10 11:16:03
I am so glad to hear that it's still there! I've been telling my hubby about this and so we are planning a trip. Love this site, keep writing. I especially love the comment that if you don't like this beer, than you must like "millers." That is so true.
Comment from garland on 2009-07-08 08:37:51
After reading some of the comments and the understandable longings for this beer I also must add my two cents. I NEVER drank beer untill a friend introduced me to this beer. I am leaving Germany and on United Airlines. I went to their website and was suprised to find that they allow you to fly beer back in your checked baggage! The amount stated was UNLIMITED but being cautious i called and was told the site was correct. I am however only bringing back a 5 ltr bottle? or is it jug? to wean myself off. (I think it's addictive)lol anyway there's one way to bring some home! Good luck!
Comment from walter p mazuchowski jr on 2009-07-08 09:16:49
yes when i was in germany last year my friends from my army days gave me a 5lt keg to bring back. shipped it in my backpack. i know they checked it though, as it went from the bottom of the pack to the top of the pack
Comment from Jonathan Frame on 2009-07-30 23:25:08
I was stationed in Schwienfurt with the 9th ENG for 3 years and made many trips to Klosterbrauerei Kreuzberg. Fantastic beer, especialy during the winter months they have a special brew that is just as good and more potent. I just remember sitting in that place with the sun setting overlooking a valley with freshly laid thick snow, and a great brew in my hand. I was spoiled for life with that beer and have been yearning to get back there and bring back more than 2 two liters of back with me this time.So go there and listen to the drinking songs being sung by red faced germans drinking after sking, and enjoy a frosty brew for me.
Comment from Sandy Hadner on 2009-10-12 10:32:32
I have been stationed in Germany since 1999 and I still gotta few years to go. I've been to Kreuzberg many times and plan on making future trips to get tanked time and time again. I got smashed one time and stole a sled from a little German kid and took it down the hill, man was that a mistake, I spilt my beer and had to go purchase another!
Comment from Paul Hughes on 2009-10-21 07:16:41
I was stationed in Hanau at Fleigerhorst Kaserne (9-227th Avn) 92-95. Christmas 94, the Battalion Commander, LTC Dockens, had a Christmas party at his quarters, and had a keg of this most excellent brew on tap. Dockens was a great commander and really knew how to look out for his troops...hence the Keg. It's the best beer I've ever tasted...and as one other commenter said "I've tried a few".
Comment from Randy Weaver on 2009-12-30 07:16:51
Seems that former soldiers unanimously agree that the beer from Klosterbrauerei Kreuzberg is the best they've ever tasted - and I completely agree. I was stationed at Wiesbaden in the mid-80s. We had our favorite gasthauses in the Wiesbaden/Mainz/Frankfurt areas, but a friend saw a review of Kreuzberg beer in Playboy magazine (I believe it was 1985), stating that Kreuzberg beer was the best in the world. Being moderate, but dedicated beer enthusiasts, we took the pilgrimage to Kreuzberg. Had a wonderful time in a truly unique setting among people from many different countries and enjoyed what I honestly believe to be the best beer in the world.
Comment from kevin kalstrom on 2010-01-15 13:54:26
I was stationed in Germany from 1982-1983 I loved the beer at kreuzberg Monastery, Is there any way of ordering there beer and have it sent to the U.S.? I'm in Chicago Thanks for your help!
Comment from Scott Getz on 2010-01-17 11:43:32
Well this brings back lots of memeroies I was station in Germany back in 1974 and 75.Was with the 237engs.We TDY to there and took some time off to go and try the beer there. Was the best I ever had.
Comment from Jim Comfort on 2010-01-20 21:12:22
I was stationed at Schweinfurt from 1974 to 1976. We were in the original SS Barracks. They were rough. The Army decided to renovate the barracks and my unit, the 1/10th FA, had to move to Wildflecken for 8 months until our individual building was finished. Myself and 3 others walked down the road from the top of Wildflecken, marched up the hill to the Monastery and drank 3 or 4 liters of their very great but potent beer. I do not remember how I got back to the barracks that day. Wish I had 3 or 4 liters today!
Comment from Bill ( Big Foot ) Cockrell on 2010-01-22 20:28:25
Was stationed in Wildflicken in 79-81 and can remember taking a taxi up the hill and stumbling down. I remember it was not always easy to get a taxi when you wanted one specially in the middle of winter, but that didn't stop any one from going. As long as you didn't have to walk up the that is. I have to say I spent plenty of time at the monastery and loved every minute of it. I remember stopping at the guesthouse down the hill where the road turned back down the mountain to get something to eat almost every time we went. Thats where we would call the taxi from. And if it snowed to much we knew we would never get a taxi so we would just cut the corner and stumble through the woods to the low road. Any ways I wish some day I could return.
Comment from Tom pastore on 2010-06-02 17:12:18
Im with that if anyone finds out how to get some shipped to the states please let me know.
Comment from Trey on 2010-06-03 11:59:54
We enjoy the food, the view and of course the bier from the Eis Cafe up the hill from the Monastery. I am stationed in Germany about 45 min. from Kreuzberg. We have skiied and sledded (and drank) here and love it. I was encouraged by several Army friends prior to moving here to make sure I got to Kreuzberg to try the beer. You don't have to go to the mountain to enjoy it, it is now available by the keg in Schweinfurt.
Comment from Rob on 2010-06-19 04:27:55
I thought i just dreamt about this Beer but apparently other people had my same dream...I was in Fulda with 11th Cav from 90-92. It was the best time of my life. I will never forget the walk up the hill and the taste of the Brew!!!
Comment from A. Scott on 2010-11-26 08:27:43
Guess I didn't know had good i had it at the time. Young and dumb as they would say...Was stationed in the "flicken" with B-Btry 1/1 AD from 75-78. Our missile site was across the valley from the monestary. Visited it pretty much every payday. The memorable story is the same each time; walked or taxi'd up, drank that wonderful beer, walked - then stumbled - then ended up rolling down to the bottom of the hill like a piece of cheap firewood, all bruised up. Best times i ever had and the most wonderful beer i've ever drank. Not sure about the other comments here but, i did read a playboy article (it was in 77) ranking the top 10 beers in the world. It was voted second best. I remember ripping the article out and mailing it to my dad (ex-Marine) state-side, just so he could "eat his heart out". Getting through my tour in the "Flicken" was hard, but this wonderful beer made it a bit easiser. Hope to get back their before I'm kicking up dasiys.
Comment from James Mobley on 2011-01-30 08:39:06
I remeber the times well. I was stationed in Wildflecken from 184 thru 1989 at 1/68 Armor BN. I was a cook while there and loved the weekends off so that myself and a few buddies would walk that trecherous hill. Just so we could quench our thirst with the best beer in town. We would have 2 litres and low and behold the taxis were gone and say what the heck get a third and make the walk back down to the barracks. Rest assured we made it back Safely. But,for some reason it always took longer to get back. Anyone who remembers this. My Moe to the train with a 1980 yahoo dot com. Take Care and God Bless All
Comment from Don Lawson on 2011-03-03 11:06:46
This beer ruined my life! My father was stationed in Hanau when I was in high school and when I was 17 we went on a USO tour to the Kloster. At the end of the brewery tour we sat down in the dining room and my parents bought me a 0,5 l stein of the Dunkel. It was like drinking cool silk love - sorry, even almost 30 years later that's the best I can come up with. After having my stein refreshed and drinking that down I attempted to stand up to leave and found myself immediately reseated on the bench against my will because I no longer had any feeling in my legs. For the rest of my adult life I've been searching for a beer/ale as good. I lived in England for five years and enjoyed some terrific ales and even made it to Germany numerous times, but never got back to the Kreuzburg Kloster and nothing else has ever come close. I'll be on a business trip to Mainz in May and this time I will get back there. Thank you Kreuzburg for ruining me for all other beers!
Comment from George Bready on 2011-03-29 11:54:06
Dark, smooth and potent. The best I ever had, and selected as the second best beer in the world in a Playboy article from the early 70's.I was in Wildflecken from 77-79 and went there often, and we sometimes got kegs for parties in the barracks or with our unit (HHB 1/1 ADA). Beautiful monastery, and a great little chapel from the 1500's (I think).
Comment from James Loureiro on 2011-04-12 14:20:04
Is there any way of contacting the monastery? I was stationed at Wildflecken in 1982 and have never found a beer as good. I would love to have some shipped to the states. Can anyone help me?
Comment from Jim Smith on 2011-04-14 08:41:46
Definitely one of the best beers in the world. Drinking it at the monastery made it taste even better. Some day I'll make it back there. In the meantime, I see a lot of Blackhorse brothers on here. A lot of us have regrouped at the Allon's Dayroom on Facebook and would love to have you!
Comment from Steven Bishop on 2011-07-19 12:39:38
I was stationed in Wildflecken, West Germany from 1982-1984 and found out firsthand exactly how good the beer at the Kreuzberg Klosterbrauerei was. Let me just say that this is bar none THE BEST BEER IN THE WORLD. And their Christmas Beer was awesome also. WOW!!
Comment from Richard Calnon on 2011-07-24 22:04:55
Kreuzberg Beer is the best in the world, I first found it in 1983 while stationed in Wildflecken Germany. I have been going back there for nearly 30 years and it is still the best I have ever tasted. Other German beers are good, but this one is the best of them.
Comment from Brandon on 2011-08-27 11:53:01
Having a glass now. It is a magnificent beer.
Comment from Todd Battershell on 2011-11-12 16:35:37
Boy, what can I say about this beer and the Monestary that hasn't already been said? It seems that everyone has enjoyed it as much as I had. I was stationed in West Berlin from '88 to '92 (5/502 INF) and only made it there once. I spent at least two trips per year in Wildfleckin and I went to PLDC there, but only made it once. I hope to make it back there someday. Maybe here in a few years when my boys are older.
Comment from Dave G on 2011-12-12 23:34:58
One of my favorite beers here in Europe... So glad I get to experience it often... as I live 25km's from it. It will be sad when I go back to the states in a few months. If anyone visits Germany or gets stationed here make sure you stop by and grab a 5liter to go! -Dave
Comment from Andrew F on 2012-04-15 11:28:29
This is, without question, THE best bier in all the world! My family and I were stationed in Germany 2006-2009. We traveled there often, but not often enough...I am looking at my 3 liter bottle today missing the mountain.
Comment from Steve Huebner on 2012-05-07 16:00:25
I was stationed in Darmstadt in 1987 and 1988 and our Combat Engineer (547th) unit would train at Wildflecken regularly. Each time we'd make a point to visit Klosterbrauerei and it was always my favorite. The setting is breathtaking and the beer amazing. Amost surreal. But again, the beer is amazing!
Comment from Bob Felton on 2012-08-18 15:54:27
Was stationed there (Wildflecken) from 77-80 with B Co. 2/15 Infantry . Never walked there we ran it for pt once(one way) Still have the 1ltr mug ....yeah its the best...but it didn't quite make up for being stationed in the real "rock" 3rd I D.
Comment from Danny Moore on 2012-10-24 07:07:31
I visited the monks and drank their beer while stationed at Bad Kissingen with the 536th M.P. Co which later became B. Co. 793rd M.P. Bn in 1976 - 1977. The greatest beer I've ever drank. They had a ski lift and the St. Bernards back then.
Comment from Joanne Middleton on 2014-01-07 02:21:33
07/01/2014 I had come from Australia, back in 1987, I was selling Honda Autos to the Americans in Wurzburg, till 1991. On a Sunday an English guy I dated who spoke fluent German ... well we went a few times to this wonderful monastery, I took my sister there too, we purchased a small keg back to where i lived, the one thing nobody has mentioned is this dark bier was a rauchen bier which means it was a smoked bier... don't any of you remember that was why it was so special, a dark smoked flavour bier absolutely fantastic and yes it was very potent,does anyone out there know this ???
Comment from Ed Ziegler on 2015-10-28 02:22:28
Stationed at Wildflicken with 2nd Bn 15th Inf, 3rd ID in 1969. The monastery, Bischofsheim and environs are among my fondest memories. Have been back twice with wife once and son on another occasion. Beer is as always - the best! Will return again when retired to once again experience beer heaven!