Ostheimer Bürgerbräu

photo: Mat Wilson

Nordheimer Strasse 14
Ostheim vor der Rhön 97645

 0 97 77 91 01 0

Also known as Brauerei Peter.

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Comment from MatW on 2015-05-13 11:17:14

 Visited 08.05.15. Unable to gain access of find anyone to ask if they were still brewing. No sign of any brewing going on just thousands and thousands of Bionade crates in the compound and across the road in a car park, however no beer crates.. Gastatte across the road from the brewery firmly shut and derelict inside. Found the beer in the getranke markt up by the bahnhof. Can't say that it blew me away.
I wouldn't be surprised to find that they've ceased brewing to concentrate on the soft drink business.

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