Brauerei Thein

Brauerei Thein
Steinhauser Strasse 2
Lembach 97438
Stopped brewing in 2011Lembach 97438
09549 391
Now serving beers from Zehendner, Mönchsambach.
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Other cities in the same district (Landkreis) as Lembach
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Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2007-05-04 02:37:07
Wonderful unfiltered double-decoction lager with dark yellow colour. Clean with soft, aromatic maltiness and balancing aromatic hops. The bottled products are fairly good as well.
Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2008-05-27 00:58:15
Apart from the unsensible bavarian flags all around etc. I have to admit, their Helles is nice and the chocolate coloured dark beer is absolutely excellent. Very similar to a Kathi Bräu or a Vestenberger. Nice!