

Hindenburgplatz 1
Lichtenau 91586
Large Brewery (more than 100,000 hl/year)

 0 98 27 / 9 23 30


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Other cities in the same district (Landkreis) as Lichtenau

AnsbachBruckbergDentlein am ForstDinkelsbühl
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Comment from Ben Kersker on 2004-05-24 08:59:42

 I lived in Ansbach for two years when I was in the military. The one true thing I really miss now that I am gone is Lictenaus beer. My friends and I where regulars in Lichtenau. They even helped us get kegs straight off the line for my going away party. It is by far the best beer I had in Germany.

Comment from Wayne Simon on 2004-06-23 12:15:42

 I lived in Lichtenau for 2 years. I've drank alot of different beers, but none I've had can compare to Lichtenauer Hefeweizen and Klares Weizen. By far the best I've ever had.

Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2006-12-04 03:45:01

 Completely boring Einheitsbier except the "Krönungsstoff", which is quite rare to get. It's always the same: The bigger a brewery, the worse the beer. But in the surrounding are quite a number of gems, like Löwenbräu Vestenberg or the beautiful brewery of Unternbibert!

Comment from PJ on 2007-05-19 19:36:16

 Hauff-Bräu's Lichtenauer Hefeweizen is definitely the best I've ever had. It's become the standard by which I rate all the weiss beers I drink.

Comment from Ron Guthrie on 2007-12-14 02:10:09

 I also served almost 3 years in Katterbach and spent many a night at the Post gasthaus in Lichtenau drinking Hauff pils (thank you Barry & Alex),weissen and Kronungsstoff. I believe was new in 77 or 78 and fondly remember the white foil wrapper on the tops. Excellent strong dark beer! Brought 6 home on leave to share with brother,uncle and Dad. I drank "stoff" till I left in '79. Hauff Pils was always the standard in the early days. I lugged many a crate to my room. Hauff...Best Beer on the planet!

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