Franconian Beer Message Board

Anyone out there
Posted by Jason on 2018-07-19 05:44:26
Yes it's been a while since I have been in Eschawo. I will check my football commitments but as we play on Sundays normally and I have to work on Fridays I imagine it'll be a Saturday day visit. 

If you have some time to spare i recommend Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz. You'd have to train via Nuremberg but there is a trail of some 4-5 breweries all with good public transport and all places I think you would like. Muhlhausen, Berching (2) and Beilngriess. Muhlhausen has a very traditional brewery and Berching has two and is very very pretty. Neumarkt has 3 breweries but the Lammsbrau has no tap and isn't very interesting. All easy to navigate to with a little research and throughly recommended. Beilngriess is an option, the brewery is in a posh hotel.  
             Anyone out there  by barry on  2018-07-19 06:08:38
               Anyone out there  by Jürgen Wening on  2018-07-19 06:54:41
                 Anyone out there  by Jason  on  2018-07-19 07:08:38
               Anyone out there  by Jason  on  2018-07-19 07:12:38
                 Anyone out there  by barry on  2018-07-19 10:47:42
                   Anyone out there  by barry on  2018-07-20 03:27:52
                 Anyone out there  by TomM on  2018-07-20 04:31:41
                   Anyone out there  by Jason on  2018-07-21 03:15:26