Franconian Beer Message Board

IPA coming to Bamberg
Posted by Nick B. on 2016-12-07 00:22:24
I remember some outcry about them coming to Portland. The midwest neckbeard thing was out of place, the beer wouldn't be good enough, etc., etc. I thought they also had other locations before coming to Portland, not just the one...hence the question. Also just curious if it was a Portland or Cleveland collaboration.

I went there (Portland) and had a beer or two of theirs, it was fine. Though most everything on the list was Bourbon-this or choco-that, sour blah-blah, etc., typical of microbrew/brewpub beer these latter days.
         IPA coming to Bamberg by Barry on  2016-12-07 01:42:13
           IPA coming to Bamberg by Rick S. on  2016-12-09 17:19:05
             IPA coming to Bamberg by Barry on  2016-12-10 06:00:27
               IPA coming to Bamberg by Rick S. on  2016-12-12 07:11:50
         IPA coming to Bamberg by Rick S. on  2016-12-12 07:14:21
           IPA coming to Bamberg by Nick B. on  2016-12-13 01:04:53
             Portland by Rick S. on  2016-12-13 07:48:00