Franconian Beer Message Board

Best Beer in Forchheim
Posted by Nick B. on 2016-11-23 01:01:19
Cheers, Andy, I knew you weren't slurring.

I've long said that Kellerbier tastes (and feels) much better after a sweaty, 90 minute bike ride to the Keller, and used to always tell people that that's how they could maximise their enjoyment of the Bierkeller. Easy when you live here and have time, but on holiday...

I've not been doing much of that this last year or so, since I started doing other stuff for fitness, meaning I have little interest in day long bike & Bierkeller touring. Just doesn't feel right.

Yes, consumption of fat and salt (Pfefferkarpfen!) can deaden one's palate. Heck, I noticed it with the Hebendanz Hell the other night. Wish it would've deadened it more though, so I could've enjoyed the post-Karpfen Neder better.

I would really like to be there for a barrel change. I really wonder if they have a problem with barrel-barrel variability.

FWIW, perhaps surprisingly, I'm not one to mix beers in the way some people do (Boak and Bailey have been doing some of this on their blog). I do it solely to cut the strength of the beer to a proper session beer's level, using either Jever Fun or Störtebeker Freibier. Last night's night cap was a bottle of Sam Smith's Organic Pale Ale cut from 5 to 4%, to mimic the Old Brewery Bitter I love so much. The flavour is startliningly similar: that slightly sourish twinge you get from OBB is there, though the mouthfeel is all wrong, being filtered and gassed bottled beer.

Beer from Tadcaster...Tadcastrian?

(Sam Smith's 355 ml / 12 oz goes for 3€ at REWE here, FWIW, same price as the 500 ml Fuller's bottles.)
                     Best Beer in Forchheim by Andy H on  2016-11-23 01:38:16
                     Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-23 02:40:42
                       Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 03:58:02
                       Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 04:03:15
                         Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-23 04:05:28
                         Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-23 04:05:28
                         Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-23 04:08:04
                           Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 04:14:15
                         Best Beer in Forchheim by Andy H on  2016-11-23 04:16:37
                           Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 04:20:51
                           Best Beer in Forchheim by Andy H on  2016-11-23 04:25:44
                             Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-24 01:51:19
                             Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-24 01:54:30
                               Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-24 05:12:35
                                 Best Beer in Forchheim by TreinJan on  2016-11-24 06:17:34
                                 Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-24 06:17:47
                                   Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-24 06:19:19
                                   Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-24 07:04:53
                               Best Beer in Forchheim by Andy H on  2016-11-24 10:21:32