Links to Other Interesting Web Sites
These are some sites we've found in our research that we think you might be interested in. Some are in German only any will have "[German]" in their description
Friends and Partners
Knickerbockers Bier Tours The late Tom Perera was a good friend: an American who lived near Düsseldorf and ran bier tours in the area. He passed away suddenly in the Summer of 2012 and this link is left as a tribute.The German Language School TREFF-PUNKT. An immersion style language institute. For all levels from the complete beginner to advanced. The school is around the corner from Brauerei Fässla and Brauerei Spezial.
White Beer Travels Website of the late John White who aranged beer hunting tours, primarily to Belgium and Holland. His site has a wealth of information and his downloadable city guides are the most complete I've ever seen.
Ferienwohnung Albert The Albert family has a number of small apartments for rent (minimum 3 days). They are fully furnished with a kitchen and utensils, TV, telephone etc. Located in the Old Town, practically around the corner from Klosterbräu.
European Beer Guides Ron Pattinson's excellent site. The first place I look when I'm visiting a new European city.
Paul Bailey's Beer Blog Paul Bailey lives in Tronbridge, England and is a friend of this site.
Bamberg Links
City of Bamberg Official website for the Bamberg Region[German]
Vacation Home in Bamberg A 3 bedroom apartment available for short term rentals (2 days min.). Fully equipment with bedding and kitchen utensils. Also has WiFi. Located along the river in "Little Venice"
Reciprocal Links
Beer Inn Print. A great site for beer books, posters and printed matter relating to beer and breweries.Frankenblog! Freiheit für Franken! A website for those that want to separate Franconia from Bavaria. Frei statt Bayern![German]

Tandleman's Beer Blog Tandleman's Random and Particular Thoughts on Beer.