Franconian Beer Message Board

Hobby- vs. Hausbrauer
Posted by Gerhard Schoolmann on 2012-05-30 04:33:10
The German beer tax law makes no difference between Hausbrauer and Hobbybrauer "Bier, das von Haus- und Hobbybrauern in ihren Haushalten ausschließlich zum eigenen Verbrauch bereitet und nicht verkauft wird, ist von der Steuer bis zu einer Menge von 2 Hektoliter im Kalenderjahr befreit. Bier, das von Hausbrauern in nicht gewerblichen Gemeindebrauhäusern hergestellt wird, gilt als in den Haushalten der Hausbrauer hergestellt." source: "Verordnung zur Durchführung des Biersteuergesetzes", § 2 (1) This text differents between: - Haus- and Hobbybrauer - Hausbrauer who brew in non commercial breweries of communities. Both have the right to brew and consume 200 liters per year without paying beer tax. But with the duty to inform the customs authority. From the wording You can say a Hobbybrauer is a brewer who brew for his leisure and a Hausbrauer is a brewer who brew in his own household. But the tax law don't target at the building but the "Haushalt", also a family or a residential community who live together official (with a registration at the Residents' Registration Office). Such a household can brew until 200 liters per year. Not per capita but for the whole group/household. If a Hobbybrauer or Hausbrauer brew and consume more than 200 liters per day he has to pay beer tax for the whole volume (also for the first 200 liters). If someone wants to sell his beer, he needs a commercial application. In reality the use of the name Hausbräu is sometimes misleading: The "Hausbräu Stegaurach" is a commercial brewery. But the brew machine is part of the private house of the family Winkler. Owner is Mrs. Winkler. Her husband is brewmaster and works at the brewery Göller, a contract brewery for many breweries. Robesbierre is a real Hausbrauerei in the sense of the beer tax law. You can get their beer only within a personal relationship to Mr. Robert Pawelczak (as a gift). He is a brewmaster (Doemnens academy) and and works as a teacher for brewers. An other example of breweries which are commercial but use the name "Hausbräu": Glöcklinger Hausbräu
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