Franconian Beer Message Board

Best Beer in Forchheim
Posted by Andy H on 2016-11-22 12:55:26
No slur on yourself intended Nick.And you will see that I mentioned seasoned and expert regarding imbibers.
But I will stick to the basic principle of my argument that,it is not really wise to judge a beer without taking into account,any influencing factors such as those I mentioned.
In the course of tastings and brewery visits I have hosted,it has always suprised me the sometimes extreme variations in taste perception from person to person.
I recall serving a paticular beer from cask via beer engine,and then serving the very same beer slightly cooler with the addition of some mixed gas ( Co2 and nitrogen) all in the group where convinced it was a different beer,and passed comments such as" better brewed" "a far more sophisticated beer" etc.
I know you to be a chap who likes to experiment with tastes,mixing beers etc.I would be very interested to hear your opinions after conducting your own trials involving a beer and food/no food time of day ambience and so on.
                   Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 01:01:19
                     Best Beer in Forchheim by Andy H on  2016-11-23 01:38:16
                     Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-23 02:40:42
                       Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 03:58:02
                       Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 04:03:15
                         Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-23 04:05:28
                         Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-23 04:05:28
                         Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-23 04:08:04
                           Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 04:14:15
                         Best Beer in Forchheim by Andy H on  2016-11-23 04:16:37
                           Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 04:20:51
                           Best Beer in Forchheim by Andy H on  2016-11-23 04:25:44
                             Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-24 01:51:19
                             Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-24 01:54:30
                               Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-24 05:12:35
                                 Best Beer in Forchheim by TreinJan on  2016-11-24 06:17:34
                                 Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-24 06:17:47
                                   Best Beer in Forchheim by Barry on  2016-11-24 06:19:19
                                   Best Beer in Forchheim by Nick B. on  2016-11-24 07:04:53
                               Best Beer in Forchheim by Andy H on  2016-11-24 10:21:32