Franconian Beer Message Board

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Posted by Barry on 2016-09-22 06:36:59
Hey Jason, don't spill the beans, everyone will want to stay in Strullendorf!  Seriously, might be interesting.

And thanks Nick, have to be a big hat - quick check indicates return flight Dublin - Nuremberg = €250 plus each, compared with a total of €140 for 2, plus €28 Bayern ticket!  Plus, we have to get to Dublin and there's a 24-hour delay in Zurich!  Don't think so somehow.

Best hope is the Manchester - Nuremburg flight, which seems to be 7-day week and indefinite - at moment.  Might even consider doing Shannon - Manchester - Nuremberg, if we are still here, which we probably will be.
           Recent visit by Mark Andersen on  2016-09-22 06:43:42
           Recent visit by Andy H on  2016-09-22 09:04:41
             Recent visit by Barry on  2016-09-22 13:21:57
               Recent visit by Andy H on  2016-09-22 23:44:34
           Flights by Nick B. on  2016-09-23 04:26:33
             Flights by Barry on  2016-09-23 04:54:36
             Flights by Gunnar H on  2016-09-24 03:09:54
               Flights by Nick B. on  2016-09-24 03:28:44