Franconian Beer Message Board

VGN question
Posted by barry on 2016-08-08 02:09:02
Very comprehensive answer, Gerhard.  In Bamberg, the service is ALT (Anruf-Linien-Taxi), not AST, and I cannot find an equivalent page to that for Forcheim and other places in VGN, which explains the system and pricing.

But, searching a little, I found the answer on the Stadtwerke Bamberg site:

where it says:

Für die Fahrt gelten unsere ÖPNV-Tarife und Beförderungsbedingungen.

So, as I understand it, there is no surcharge if you have a valid bus ticket, which I assume would include a Tagesticket or a Mobicard.

       VGN question by Gerhard Schoolmann on  2016-08-08 02:44:40
         VGN question by Nick B. on  2016-08-08 04:39:23
           VGN question by Andy H on  2016-08-09 00:10:55
             VGN question by Nick B. on  2016-08-09 01:19:29
               VGN question by Nick B. on  2016-08-09 01:20:25
               VGN question by Gerhard Schoolmann on  2016-08-09 02:50:50
                 VGN question by Andy H on  2016-08-09 11:19:39
                 VGN question by Andy H on  2016-08-09 11:25:24
                   VGN question by Nick B. on  2016-08-09 14:13:02