Franconian Beer Message Board

OT: Nick B - PM
Posted by Barry on 2016-01-06 08:09:16
Oh that's tricky!  Can't see an immediate way round the EHIC because, to get one from the uk, you have to be 'ordinarily resident' - suppose that the French have the same regulations.  It's all to do with finance because the member state in which you receive treatment bills the state where you are ordinarily resident.

There are ways of opening a German bank account without being a resident (plenty of websites advising on this) but, then again, aren't you an ex-banker?!  Sorry.
                 OT: Nick B - PM by Jason  on  2016-01-06 08:28:55
                   German Bank Accounts by FredW on  2016-01-06 09:45:12
                     German Bank Accounts by jason on  2016-01-06 10:19:04
                       German Bank Accounts by Jason  on  2016-01-08 02:36:40
                         German Bank Accounts by Barry on  2016-01-08 02:37:40
                         German Bank Accounts by Nick B. on  2016-01-09 05:37:07
                           German Bank Accounts by Gerhard Schoolmann on  2016-01-10 01:01:25
                             German Bank Accounts by jason on  2016-01-10 06:26:24
                               German Bank Accounts by Nick B. on  2016-01-10 11:19:03
                                 German Bank Accounts by Jason  on  2016-01-11 02:14:57