Brauerei Fischer

Søren Hansen of

Nr 11
Greuth 91315
Stopped brewing in 2018

 0 95 02 5 45

Open Friday thru Sunday only! Beers now brewed by Rittmayer of Hallendorf.

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Comment from Tom Perera on 2004-08-16 05:10:34

 Haven't been to the brewery, but had a chance to drink the Lager, Rauch & Weizen beers at the Opladen Bierbörse this year. Fischer had their own stand. The lager was the best beer of the day.

Comment from Nick B. on 2006-05-05 03:40:26

 I don't know if there's really a Gaststätte for the brewery, but I do know that there's a Brauereikeller on the east edge of Zentbechhofen. In nice weather, it's open after 16.00 Wed-Sat, and after 14.00 on Sun and holidays. The Lager- and Rauchbier can both be enjoyed there for Â?1.60 a half-liter. Both are malty treats, and the dark Rauchbier is particulary recommendable, because the malt and light smoke flavors blend so well together. (Panorama foto below.) [[[PARAGRAPH]]] Ich weiÃ? es nicht, ob es wirklich eine Brauereigaststätte gibt, aber was ich weiÃ?, ist dass es einen Brauereikeller am osten Rand Zentbechhofens gibt. Der ist bei schönem Wetter Mi-Sa ab 16 Uhr, So und Feiertag ab 14 Uhr geöffnet. Dort kann das Lager- und Rauchbier für Â?1,60 pro Seidla genoÃ?en werden. Beide Biere sind malzige Vergnügen, und das dunkle Rauchbier ist angelegentlich zu empfehlen, weil die Geschmäcke von Malz und leichtem Rauch so wohl zusammen vermischen.

Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2007-01-28 04:37:08

 I have been to the Brauereigaststätte, even if it was a dozen of years ago. But the Keller in Zentbechhofen is also nice. The smoked beer is a little sweetish and rough. Once, it had an off-taste of butterscotch. The same butter and caramel was noted for the Lagerbier, but it was somehow balanced with a good hop character.

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