Brauerei Fischer

Opening Times | |
Monday | Closed |
Tuesday | Closed |
Wednesday | Closed |
Thursday | Closed |
Friday | 10:00+ |
Saturday | |
Sunday | 10:00+ |
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Comment from Tom Perera on 2004-08-16 05:10:34
Haven't been to the brewery, but had a chance to drink the Lager, Rauch & Weizen beers at the Opladen Bierbörse this year. Fischer had their own stand. The lager was the best beer of the day.
Comment from Nick B. on 2006-05-05 03:40:26
I don't know if there's really a Gaststätte for the brewery, but I do know that there's a Brauereikeller on the east edge of Zentbechhofen. In nice weather, it's open after 16.00 Wed-Sat, and after 14.00 on Sun and holidays. The Lager- and Rauchbier can both be enjoyed there for �1.60 a half-liter. Both are malty treats, and the dark Rauchbier is particulary recommendable, because the malt and light smoke flavors blend so well together. (Panorama foto below.) [[[PARAGRAPH]]] Ich wei� es nicht, ob es wirklich eine Brauereigaststätte gibt, aber was ich wei�, ist dass es einen Brauereikeller am osten Rand Zentbechhofens gibt. Der ist bei schönem Wetter Mi-Sa ab 16 Uhr, So und Feiertag ab 14 Uhr geöffnet. Dort kann das Lager- und Rauchbier für �1,60 pro Seidla geno�en werden. Beide Biere sind malzige Vergnügen, und das dunkle Rauchbier ist angelegentlich zu empfehlen, weil die Geschmäcke von Malz und leichtem Rauch so wohl zusammen vermischen.
Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2007-01-28 04:37:08
I have been to the Brauereigaststätte, even if it was a dozen of years ago. But the Keller in Zentbechhofen is also nice. The smoked beer is a little sweetish and rough. Once, it had an off-taste of butterscotch. The same butter and caramel was noted for the Lagerbier, but it was somehow balanced with a good hop character.