Franconian Beer Message Board

Upcoming visit
Posted by TreinJan on 2012-06-08 03:26:57
Bamberg to Weissenohe can be done much quicker: train Bamberg to Forchheim or Erlangen, bus via Igensdorf or Eschenau, train or bus from there to Weissenohe (or Gräfenberg). Travel time from around 90 minutes up to less than 2 hours. Use to plan your trip
     Upcoming visit by Nick B. on  2012-06-08 05:50:29
       Upcoming visit by TreinJan on  2012-06-08 15:21:28
         Upcoming visit by Nick B. on  2012-06-09 01:23:35
           Upcoming visit by Mike B. on  2012-06-09 01:54:00