Franconian Beer Message Board

Bamberg -several places not open
Posted by barry on 2012-09-26 11:55:00
And yet, it not without promise. The facility to brew inside a pub is very interesting and, with a bit of tweaking, the interior could be quite appealing. The real problem lies with its beer, which is surprising as I believe its owner is an experienced brewer, or, at least, he should be by now. Would that Andi Gansthaller had this place!
         Bamberg -several places not open by Nick B. on  2012-09-26 11:59:41
           Bamberg -several places not open by Fred Waltman on  2012-09-26 13:38:12
             Bamberg -several places not open by Mike B. on  2012-09-27 00:29:06
               Bamberg -several places not open by Nick B. on  2012-09-27 03:29:07
                 Bamberg -several places not open by Mike B. on  2012-09-27 04:20:17
                   Bamberg -several places not open by Nick B. on  2012-09-27 05:55:39
                     Bamberg -several places not open by Mike B. on  2012-09-27 07:17:00