Brauerei Schrüfer

Brauerei Schrüfer

Brauerei Schrüfer A Frank Wetzel Top 10 Pick

Hauptstrasse 31
Priesendorf 96170

 0 95 49 / 3 17

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Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2003-04-01 06:45:19

 Full-bodied, malty and very soft beer, very pleasant to drink. Nice, oldish tap-room.

Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2007-05-04 02:34:49

 On a recent visit, the beer had some more hops in the character making it even better. My vote today would have been 5...

Comment from Riek Kooper on 2022-06-19 03:59:41

 Dear Sir Can you help me please , mine husband collect beer labels from the hole world. He collect also collect beerlabels from the fust. ( Barrel ) He can also trade labels Do you have something for me . he has six labels from your country I have send already emails to you , but I get no answer , but I still trying , because its for mine husband , please Many Thanks regards Riek F.W.P.Kooper Burg.Stemerdingl. 124 4388 KB Oost-Souburg The Netherlands

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