Franconian Beer Message Board

Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia
Posted by FredW on 2016-11-14 06:34:33
Diacetyl is a natural by production the fermentation cycle. And if left long enough will be reduced by the yeast. It usually tastes like butter, but can sometimes be more butterscotch. In lagers, it usually means the beer was conditioned ("lagered") long enough. Many brewers will let the temperature rise for a few days in the lagering process and the re-invigorated yeast, findind few sugars left to digest, will go after the diacetyl -- called by some a "diacetyl rest."

Usually it is a flaw, exccept in some British ales and some Czech lagers. Some people can't taste it at all and others (like me) are sensitve to it. There also is, I'm sure, an acclimation factor.

Barry, it is interesting that you say you've never tasted it in a British ale because I get it all the time, though usually as butterscotch and not in all beers, but in enough to remember.

The tankovna PU that I have had (in Prague and Stockholm the last year) tasted to me as if someone had melted a stick a butter in the beer. The others in the group noticed a mild bit -- some said they wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't brought it up.

In other beers -- when it is a flaw -- it's often a sign of bigger problems so even if you don't notice that much diacetyl you'll notice something else.

It is also produced by some bacterial infections, but in that case it (to me) tastes like rancid butter!

Schlenkerla doesn't usually have an noticable amount -- my comment there was the smoke kind of has a similar effect -- if you drink it all the time the smoke tends to fade away and you don't notice it anymore. Though occasionally I have gotten a touch of it in the summer (when breweries sometimes cut lagering times)
         Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by David on  2016-11-14 07:20:22
           Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by FredW on  2016-11-14 07:39:57
             Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Barry on  2016-11-14 09:16:27
               Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by David on  2016-11-14 09:27:09
                 Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by pivnizub on  2016-11-14 09:40:42
                   Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Mosquit on  2016-11-14 11:00:04
               Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Nick B. on  2016-11-15 01:09:33
                 Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Nick B. on  2016-11-15 01:27:39
                 Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by TreinJan on  2016-11-15 01:33:03
                 Czech or Franconian Lager by Nick B. on  2016-11-15 04:57:24
         Diacetyl by Nick B. on  2016-11-15 05:05:44
           Diacetyl by Barry on  2016-11-15 09:22:06
                   Czech or Franconian Lager by David on  2016-11-15 12:07:23
             Diacetyl by Nick B. on  2016-11-16 00:22:58
               Diacetyl by Uncle Jimbo on  2016-11-16 10:02:33
               Diacetyl is British Ales by Uncle Jimbo on  2016-11-16 10:09:32
                 Diacetyl is British Ales by Nick B. on  2016-11-16 23:55:47
                 Diacetyl by Nick B. on  2016-11-16 23:58:15
                   Diacetyl by Barry on  2016-11-17 07:16:35
                   Diacetyl is British Ales by Uncle Jimbo on  2016-11-17 10:11:57
                   Diacetyl by Uncle Jimbo on  2016-11-17 10:15:06
                   Diacetyl is British Ales by FredW on  2016-11-17 10:20:02
                     Diacetyl is British Ales by Nick B. on  2016-11-18 00:14:23
                     Diacetyl by Nick B. on  2016-11-18 00:16:17
                       Diacetyl by Barry on  2016-11-18 01:26:15
                     Diacetyl by Mark Andersen on  2016-11-18 04:28:54
                         Diacetyl by Nick B. on  2016-11-18 05:28:06
                         Diacetyl by Nick B. on  2016-11-18 05:34:35
                       Diacetyl is British Ales by Uncle Jimbo on  2016-11-18 11:25:08
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                                                       English: Franconia or Franken? by Nick B. on  2016-11-23 01:02:26
                     Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Euromannn on  2017-03-31 21:37:11
                       Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by FredW on  2017-03-31 21:52:59
                       Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Mosquit on  2017-04-03 03:59:08
                         Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by euromannn on  2017-04-10 00:11:18
                         Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Euromannn on  2017-04-10 14:12:18
                           Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Mosquit on  2017-04-11 12:53:57
                             Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Euromannn on  2017-04-11 14:55:21
                               Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Mosquit on  2017-04-11 21:38:41
                                 Tankovna Pubs in Bohemia by Euromannn on  2017-04-12 04:47:16