Brauerei Enzensteiner

Photo: Mat Wilson

Enzenreuth 8
Schnaittach 91220
Small Brewery (less than 1000 hl/year)

 0 91 53 92 47 34

Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday in good weather only.

From Schnaittach Markt bahnhof head across the tracks north of the station and follow the road which then becomes a track up and over the hill, through the woods. When you reach the paved road, follow it until you see the signs to the Gastatte.

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Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2009-10-05 00:48:35

 Visited the brewery last weekend and found the whole situation very charming. It's an ecologically working farm brewery with an individualistic range of beers. Tried Landbier, Pils and Märzen. Landbier and Pils: Quite good, ungespunden, unfiltrated. The Märzen was terrible, with a strange chemical aftertaste. Interesting anyway.

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