Brauerei Schwarzes Kreuz
More information on Eggolsheim can be found at (German)
Brauerei Schwarzes Kreuz 
Eggolsheim 91330
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Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2003-05-09 05:06:40
Robust Franconian Kellerbier with a quality improving towards the bottom of the mug, especially when you sit in the beautiful old-time Keller a couple of hundred meters south of the brewery.
Comment from Dan Norton on 2005-05-11 20:00:27
I lived in Herzo for 4 years and visited about 150 breweries during that time. Schwarzes Kreus was my favorite dunkles beer (dark amber) of all the breweries. The guest house was pretty much a watering hole for the locals which gave it a very traditional local flavor. Few tourests were seen here. The food menu was small and not that good but the appitizers were great. Buy a krug as the logo is a great classic. I have a full set for parties here at home in the states.
Comment from tokio on 2005-11-12 10:09:21
well... your statement seems to be a little bit improper... Schwarzes Kreuz, or also known as the BAAMHANS is actually one of the best breweries in franconia´s beer-capital eggolsheim. and furthermore i have to admit that one does not have a choice with the food since you´re supposed to take "schnitzel" which is by the way the best in whole ... lets say franconia. DON`T YOU DARE CRITICISING THE BAAMHANSSCHNITZEL !!! :) so far so good. if you need further informations regarding franconian breweries, just ask some franconians :) ... registering is in german but once you´re in you can post anywhere you want and we´ll be glad to help you. Bye bye, tobi from eggolsheim... >-)
Comment from Jürgen Wening on 2006-05-05 02:11:20
Lovely Wirtshaus with a very pleasant and easy to drink dark Vollbier! Recommended on hot days!
Comment from Alan Price on 2006-09-22 05:16:02
I took a photograph of bush, and thought why did I take that photo, yet behind the greenery was a quiet, hidden, unadvertised beer garden. This was considered to be one of the most unique beers in the Bamberg area. make that visit!
Comment from Fraser McDonald on 2008-08-25 02:51:54
This was the beer I had during my travels round Bavaria in 2008. Definitely worth stopping of for a few beers. I only wish I had stayed for more.
Comment from Russ R. on 2009-12-08 16:05:13
Another classic, simple country pub. The excellent Vollbier is deep amber and dry. I sipped by beer in near total silence and admired the simple pleasures of Franconia.