Brauerei Rittmayer

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Comment from Fred Waltman on 2004-01-12 10:45:41
Has been reported that the brewery has closed.
Comment from Gary W on 2008-01-21 20:08:28
excellent cellar beer served the night we visited. Dark brown, went down smooth. Also outstanding food. Well worth the drive,small town and definitely off the fast track.
Comment from Nick B. on 2009-04-02 04:58:42
I've heard two things about this place: 1. They do excellent Karpfen, and 2. The beer is brewed by Rittmayer in Hallerndorf to the original recipe. Still have yet to check it out for myself though.
Comment from Nick B. on 2009-10-03 02:42:34
The beer is highly reminiscient of Lieberth's Lager, which shouldn't be too much of a surprise, since that's where it's brewed, and not by Rittmayer in Hallerndorf. It's pale and somewhat hoppy, brewed to the old Willersdorfer recipe. The brewerey was apparently converted into part of the fine restaurant sometime in the last few years, with certain bits of equipment on display. All three Rittmayer breweries--this former one, the one in Aisch, and the big one in Hallerndorf, stem from the same Rittmayer family, though they've apparently had nothing to do with each other for a long time.
Comment from richiecdisc on 2012-10-12 04:07:42
Had the pleasure of staying at this fine guesthouse in August of 2012. The room was very nice and quite good value. Breakfast was good but not amazing by Franconian standards. With so many breweries and many kellers (the reason for our visit) in the area, we only ate one small meal at the restaurant in Willersdorf. We shared an assorted cold meat plate which was very good and excellent value. The lovely Kellerbier was dry and fruity and the Rauchbier had a strong smokey aroma and initial flavor, it's finish was clean if unspectacular. It's a bit more expensive drinking here than in surrounding pubs (and even its own keller) but it is fairly upscale and nicely decorated.