Brauerei Zehendner


Photo: Mat Wilson

 A John Conen Pick A Tom Clark Top 10 Pick

Nr. 18
Mönchsambach 96138

 0 95 46 3 80

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Comment from Fred Waltman on 2004-01-23 00:00:00

 One of my new favorites. All their beers are unfiltered and very tasty. You can drink the Lager on draft at Cafe Abseits and Tapas Bar in Bamberg.

Comment from Jim & Wendy Stebbins on 2004-10-17 11:27:34

 This is located in a tiny,rural village about 25K from Bamberg. The most expensive item on the menu is about 4 Euros.It is plain,simple,sparsly decorated, full of local people.A very rich tasting lager,in wooden kegs from the braueri just next door.Truly my husband's favorite lager.People are lively & friendly,playing cards or other games @ the tables.Sometimes, locals stop by selling handmade baskets,flowers,vegetables,etc.No one speaks English & you will not see any tourists.We have been here several times & will go back for sure.

Comment from Jan-Erik Svensson on 2005-02-14 05:41:49

 In 2003, I visited the Maibock festival at Zehendner. It's a good opportunity to mingle with ruddey-cheeked Franconians and taste the tangy and flavourful beers. The dry aftertaste of the lagers is exceptional and adds to the character of the beers, though a softer over all character generally is preferable.

Comment from Sam Bergstrom on 2010-10-21 11:43:36

 This and Schroll Brau in Nakendorf were my fav beers of my Bamburg bike tour. The helles(?) had a fantastic, citrus aftertaste. Good times.

Comment from MatW on 2015-05-13 11:35:09

 Visited on 07.05.15 - Superb and by far the best pub on the day, if not the week. Beers already tasted at the Stohrenkeller in Bamberg so we new what to expect. Granny was just tapping a barrel in the hall as we arrived so we felt we had to stay!

Comment from Barry on 2017-06-16 06:54:12

 Following on from Grassmanndorf (16/5/17), we arrived at Zehendner to find the opening time changed from 2 to 3 pm. Waited outside, eventually Frau took pity on us and let us in about 2.45 pm. Usual wonderful Lagerbier vom Fass, usual friendly service. Room began to fill with locals, including chap with accordion, who distributed songsheets. Soon, we were all singing away in Franconian, very jolly and friendly. Wanted some food but was a bit confused about meaning of Landkaese, so Landlady brought me a little sample to try, it would have been quite enough for me but, when I ordered it, a mountain of cream cheese appeared! Did my best. What a place.

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